I added these two designs to the #mywettex competition.
Hanging out here while waiting for my boyfriend. Love it!
Spent the entire sunday morning infront of the computer organizing my webshop. Took a break and went with a friend to hang out at the set for my boyfriends new musicvideo.
Spent this thursday, on the countryside, celebrating my uncles 50:th birthday.
Here's the logo I just finished making for my friends business!
Spending this sunday at röda sten, in Gothenburg, checking the grafitti out with my friend Madelene.
These guys are saving my day...
Couldn't do anything else than to spend a rainy day shopping!
These are my contributions to the #mywettex competition.
Had an exciting business meeting about my art today!
Gotta love when your friend invites you to a cake party just because it's yummy!
Thank you SO much for your nice comments, I appreciate it alot!!
Working from avenyn, it's invoice & PR-day. Gotta love the little sunshine breaks!
One week in Greece gives me new ideas. More info coming soon!
A perfect day to go to Greece!